We see digital transformation as the key to dynamic and sustainable growth

We see digital transformation as the key to dynamic and sustainable growth


WIIT announces the signing of a new five-year contract for Secure Cloud services worth over Euro 7 million with Italy's leading manufacturer and marketer of technical and medical gases and Healthcare

"We are excited to announce this new agreement in the healthcare sector, which demonstrates how the importance of relying on Cloud operators such as WIIT continues to grow, particularly in a sector as sensitive and highly complex as the medical sector". commented Alessandro Cozzi, CEO of WIIT.

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WIIT announces the signing of a new five-year contract for Secure Cloud services worth over Euro 7 million with Italy's leading manufacturer and  marketer of technical and medical gases and Healthcare


Making service excellence a business asset

WIIT enables companies to transform IT into a strategic department for growth, with the objective of containing costs, optimizing resources and improving performance, and a clear mission: to make service excellence an asset for the business that finds its clearest expression in the Group's claim "The Premium Cloud".

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Amounts in Euro millions at 31 December 2023 (ex IFRS16)
Adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA Margin 39,0%)
Adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA Margin 39,0%)
Adjusted Group Net Profit
Adjusted Group Net Profit
Adjusted Net Financial Position (Debt)
Adjusted Net Financial Position (Debt)